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Title: Special Issue “Recent Advances in Exergy Research”
Authors: Miguel, A. F.
Editors: Miguel, A. F.
Reis, A. H.
Keywords: Energy
Exergy analysis
Energy analysis
Issue Date: Nov-2008
Publisher: Inderscience Publishers
Citation: A. F. Miguel, A. H. Reis (editors) Special Issue “Recent Advances in Exergy Research”.International Journal of Exergy (Inderscience Publishers) volume 5, nos 5/6 (2008).
Abstract: Energy and exergy are unifying concepts that span all sciences, and are of fundamental importance in issues of social concern such as climate change and environment, and use of energy resources.In this special issue entitled Recent Advances in Exergy Research, we present a selection of papers aiming to provide the reader with a cross-section of the work devoted to exergy and energy analysis. The guest editors wish to thank all authors that contributed to this special issue, as well as the international referees that reviewed the manuscripts and gave valuable advices.
Type: book
Appears in Collections:FIS - Publicações - Livros
CGE - Publicações - Livros

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