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Title: Multiplier and Innovation effect of the Engineering & Tooling sector in Portugal
Authors: Azevedo, N.
Correia, J.
Costa, A.
Godinho, M.
Grinfeld, M.
Guerra, J.
Kennedy, J.
Lopes, J. C.
Pinheiro, D.
Smits, R.
Keywords: Estimate the value of the Engineering & Tooling sector
Estimate the impact of innovation
perceptible value
multiplier effect
Issue Date: 27-May-2011
Publisher: 81st European Study Group with Industry
Citation: The 81st European Study Group with Industry, Problem 1 (Problem presented by Iberomoldes Group)
Abstract: Goals: Measure the “perceptible value” of the Engineering & Tooling sector, not just in terms of annual/monthly revenue flows or profit. Measure the size of the sector in Portugal as a share of the national economy, taking into account its multiplier effect. Model the R&D effect in the sector, given that innovation is intrinsically embedded in the sector’s products and assets, rather than being conducted formally by specialised R&D units
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:CIMA - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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