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Title: Em modo de prefácio, ’25 de Abril: 50 anos de liberdade’
Authors: Olival, Fernanda
Editors: Gameiro, Fernando Luís
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Universidade de Évora
Citation: Olival, Fernanda, «Em modo de prefácio, ’25 de Abril: 50 anos de liberdade’», in Mário Soares: Campanhas a Sul, ed. de Fernando gameiro e Rúben Palaio, Évora, Universidade de Évora, 2024, pp. 5-6. ISBN: 978-972-778-381-6.
Abstract: Presentation of the CIDEHUS activity cycle "April 25: 50 Years of Freedom," which includes this exhibition. The initiative aims to foster research on this period and its impact. This exhibition, centered on a key historical figure, does not diminish the importance of other ongoing projects within the cycle, which highlight the contributions of anonymous individuals who also played a crucial role in the revolution and the transition to democracy.
ISBN: 978-972-778-381-6
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:CIDEHUS - Publicações - Prefácios/Epílogos

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