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Title: Trevor J. Dadson y su último legado para los Estudios Hispánicos y la Historia Portuguesa
Authors: Olival1, Fernanda
Keywords: Vice-reis de Lisboa
Período Filipino
História Militar
Monarquia Católica
Correspondência (séc. XVII)
Edição de fontes
Relação entre Literatura e História
Biografia do Conde de Salinas, D. Diego de Silva y Mendoza
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: OpenEditionBooks / Publicações do CIDEHUS
Citation: Olival, Fernanda. « Trevor J. Dadson y su último legado para los Estudios Hispánicos y la Historia Portuguesa ». in La Correspondencia Política de un Virrey, édité par Trevor J. Dadson, Publicações do CIDEHUS - OpenEdition, 2024, ISBN: 978-972-778-372-4.
Abstract: The text addresses: Trevor J. Dadson (1947–2020) and the significance of his work for Iberian history and culture; His interest in the Count of Salinas, D. Diego de Silva y Mendoza (1564–1630), who, in addition to being a politician and courtier, was also a poet, and the relevance of his literary and historical contributions; The key insights of this edition: Trevor Dadson estimates the percentage of Salinas' letters that have survived to the present day and highlights how these letters shed light on D. Diego’s relationships with the royal favorite, the Duke of Lerma, as well as other contemporary social figures. He argues that "Salinas was meant to be Lerma's Trojan horse, infiltrated in Lisbon to bring about change" and examines the impact of Philip III’s visit to Portugal on Salinas' role as viceroy. This text also serves as a tribute and expression of gratitude to Trevor J. Dadson.
ISBN: 978-972-778-372-4
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:CIDEHUS - Publicações - Prefácios/Epílogos

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