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Title: Promoting physical activity and social inclusion in children aged 6-12: a multinational analysis of needs in europe
Authors: Van Harpen, Noud
Moliterni, Steffano
Batalha, Nuno
Gidu, Victoria
Ena, Voiculescu
Sharafan, Dariya
Renzi, Cosimo
Tarlungeanu, Georgiana
Titouan, Seby
Wiackiewicz, Piotr
Oltean, Antoanela
Keywords: PLAYS
physical activity
european project
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Promoting physical activity and social inclusion in children aged 6-12: a multinational analysis of needs in europe
Citation: Van Herpen, N. Moliterni, S. Batalha, N. Gidu, D. Ene,V. Sharafan, D. Renzi C. Tarlungeanu G. Titouan, S. Wiąckiewicz, P. Oltean A. (2024). Promoting physical activity and social inclusion in children aged 6-12: a multinational analysis of needs in europe. Science, Movement and Health, 24 (2): 325-331
Abstract: Aim. The PLAYS (Practical Learning to Advance Youngsters in Sport) project is a European initiative designed to promote physical activity among school-aged children by integrating active play into recess and after-school programs. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour (2020), children and adolescents aged 5–17 should engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) daily to foster optimal health. Despite this, many children across Europe are not meeting these recommendations, contributing to a rise in sedentary lifestyles and childhood obesity. The aim of the study is to support children aged 6 to 12 across different EU countries in practicing sport through a playful approach, not only to promote healthy physical and mental development but also to foster inclusion and adaptation to diverse social and environmental contexts. Additionally, the study seeks to empower parents, caretakers, and TEAM members to encourage children's participation in regular physical activity for enhanced mental well-being. Methods. The PLAYS project, involving Austria, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and The Netherlands, conducted a comprehensive needs analysis through the development and distribution of a survey via Survio (or equivalent tools used by local partners) to key target groups, including parents/caretakers, teachers in training, sports club coaches, and TEAM members (trainers, educators, affiliates, and mentors), which resulted in 500 responses that were analyzed by SSNB and shared with partners. Results. Surveys conducted among over 500 parents, coaches, and teachers in these countries, most of whom are between 31 and 50 years old, revealed widespread recognition of the importance of physical activity for children’s development. Conclusions. PLAYS aims to harness this awareness by promoting regular, enjoyable physical activities that can encourage healthier lifestyle habits in children from an early age.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CHRC - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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