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Title: Eduardo Lourenço, leitor de António Sérgio ou duas conceções de ensaísmo
Authors: Lima, João Tiago
Editors: Oliveira Martins, José Cândido
Vecchi, Roberto
Keywords: António Sérgio
Eduardo Lourenço
portuguese thought
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Revista Portuguesa de Humanidades
Abstract: This article explores the intellectual relationship between Eduardo Lourenço and António Sérgio, two pivotal figures in 20 th -century Portuguese thought. Despite the generational and ideological gaps between them, Lourenço engaged critically with Sérgio’s ideas, particularly his rationalist philosophy and concept of essayism. Focusing on key texts such as “Ideology and Dogmatism” and “Sérgio as a Cultural Myth,” the article examines Lourenço’s critique of Sérgio’s uncritical confidence in reason and contrasts their distinct approaches to essayism. It also highlights how their differing perspectives reflect broader tensions in Portuguese intellectual history.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:FIL - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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