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Title: Unveiling the link: exploring muscle oxygen saturation in fibromyalgia and its implications for symptomatology and therapeutic strategies
Authors: Rubio-Zarapuz, Alejandro
Parraca, Jose A.
Tornero-Aguilera, José Francisco
Clemente-Suárez, Vicente J.
Keywords: autonomic nervous system
chronic pain
near-infrared spectroscopy
magnetic resonance imaging
mitochondrial dysfunction
muscle oxygen saturation
physiological mechanisms
therapeutic strategies
Issue Date: 21-Apr-2024
Abstract: Fibromyalgia, characterized as a complex chronic pain syndrome, presents with symptoms of pervasive musculoskeletal pain, significant fatigue, and pronounced sensitivity at specific anatomical sites. Despite extensive research efforts, the origins of fibromyalgia remain enigmatic. This narrative review explores the intricate relationship between muscle oxygen saturation and fibromyalgia, positing that disruptions in the oxygenation processes within muscle tissues markedly influence the symptom profile of this disorder. Muscle oxygen saturation, crucial for muscle function, has been meticulously investigated in fibromyalgia patients through non-invasive techniques such as near-infrared spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging. The body of evidence consistently indicates substantial alterations in oxygen utilization within muscle fibers, manifesting as reduced efficiency in oxygen uptake during both rest and physical activity. These anomalies play a significant role in fibromyalgia’s symptomatology, especially in terms of chronic pain and severe fatigue, potentially creating conditions that heighten pain sensitivity and accumulate metabolic byproducts. Hypothesized mechanisms for these findings encompass dysfunctions in microcirculation, mitochondrial irregularities, and autonomic nervous system disturbances, all meriting further research. Understanding the dynamics of muscle oxygen saturation in fibromyalgia is of paramount clinical importance, offering the potential for tailored therapeutic approaches to alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life for sufferers. This investigation not only opens new avenues for innovative research but also fosters hope for more effective treatment strategies and improved outcomes for individuals with fibromyalgia.
URI: 10.4103/mgr.MEDGASRES-D-24-00013
Type: article
Appears in Collections:DES - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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