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Title: Training Critical Thinking and Decision-Making Using SWOT Matrices
Authors: Payan-Carreira, Rita
Silva, Ruben
Rebelo, Hugo
Sebastião, Luis
Editors: Nata, Roberta V.
Keywords: pedagogical strategies
strategic decision
SWOT analysis
critical thinking
Issue Date: 24-Jul-2024
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers
Citation: Payan-Carreira, R., Silva, R., Rebelo, H., & Sebastião, L. (2024). Training critical thinking and decision-making using SWOT matrices. In R. V. Nata (Ed.), Progress in Education (Vol. 82, pp. 157–166). Nova Science Publ. ISBN: 979-8-89113-801-8
Abstract: The SWOT analysis, originally a strategic planning tool used in business, has been spread into different contexts, namely as a pedagogical approach to inculcate critical thinking skills, enabling individuals to better assess situations and make informed decisions. The SWOT matrix can be a useful tool for training informed decision-making and strengthen students critical thinking skills. Critical thinking skills are crucial for conducting a meaningful SWOT analysis, as it involves analyzing, evaluating, and reasoning logically and objectively without bias or assumptions. By engaging in SWOT analysis, students can improve their critical thinking skills by assessing the current situation, identifying, and challenging assumptions, and exploring different perspectives. Additionally, the process of conducting a SWOT analysis requires individuals to systematically organize information and utilize critical thinking skills, ultimately increasing self-awareness and problem-solving abilities. Therefore, the use of the SWOT analysis is closely associated with the development and application of critical thinking skills in various contexts, including education and decision-making processes. In this chapter, we discuss the challenges and the benefits of using a SWOT matrix framed within a clinical scenario as a pedagogical approach to train clinical reasoning and decision-making in students of a Gynecology and Obstetrics course of the Maters’ Program in Veterinary Medicine (University of Évora) and to explore the students’ perceived benefits and constraints in the use of this learning strategy
Type: bookPart
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