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Title: Cross Media Arts. Social Arts & Collaboration
Authors: Reaes Pinto, Paula
Gorgel Pinto, António
Vicente, Sérgio
Keywords: Artes Sociais
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Caleidoscópio
Citation: Reaes Pinto, Paula; Gorgel Pinto; António; Vicente, Sérgio (Eds.) (2023). Cross Media Arts. Social Arts & Collaboration. Casal de Cambra: Caleidoscópio. ISBN: 978-989-658-793-2.
Abstract: Regarding the different practices presented in the Cross Media Arts - Social Arts & Collaboration book, the question is how the social arts can be placed in a culture of art, particularly the practices involving different types of collaboration. It is also significant to understand social art practices more concretely. All art practices use a particular medium that can vary according to reference points such as those mentioned above, having in common the relation to a social context to a variable degree, which can be more based on representation and reproduction or more socially engagement and activism.
Type: book
Appears in Collections:CHAIA - Publicações - Livros

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