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Title: Assessing Offshore Prospects for CO2 Storage in Portugal: From Pilot-Scale to Commercial Site
Authors: Pereira, Pedro
Caeiro, Maria Helena
Carneiro, Julio
Ribeiro, Carlos
Casacão, João
Pina, Bruno
Revaux, Charles
Findlay, Ross
Plougoulen, Aurore
Msika, Camille
Keywords: CO2 storage
Issue Date: 16-Nov-2023
Publisher: The Fourth EAGE Global Energy Transition Conference and Exhibition
Abstract: This study presents a comprehensive assessment of the CO2 storage potential in the Lusitanian Basin, offshore Portugal, as part of the PilotSTRATEGY project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 program. The focus is on three identified geological structures—Q3-TV5, Q4-TV1, and Q6-TV2—characterized using well and geophysical data to determine their structural closure scenarios, reservoir petrophysical properties, and dimensions. A volumetric stochastic approach was employed to assess the geological uncertainties and estimate the CO2 storage capacities of these structures. The Q4-TV1 prospect was identified as the most promising site for a CO2 pilot injection, with a storage capacity of up to 22.5 Mt, and significant potential for upscaling to a commercial-scale operation. Long-term storage capacity assessments, considering additional trapping mechanisms like solubility and mineral trapping, further support the feasibility of Q4-TV1 as a viable CO2 storage site, enhancing the overall storage capacity estimates. The study highlights the outstanding potential of the Lusitanian Basin for CO2 storage and contributes to the development of effective carbon management solutions.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:GEO - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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