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Title: Geomechanical laboratory investigation for the Eptachori, Pentalofos and Tsotyli formations in West Macedonia
Authors: Ribeiro, Carlos
Pedro, Jorge
Barradas, João Pedro
Faria, Paula
Tyrologou, Pavlos
Koukouzas, Nikolaos
Keywords: Data set
Issue Date: 20-Apr-2023
Citation: Ribeiro, C., Pedro, J., Carneiro, J., Barradas, J. P., Faria, P., Tyrologou, P., & Koukouzas, N. (2023). Geomechanical laboratory investigation for the Eptachori, Pentalofos and Tsotyli formations in West Macedonia (Original) [Data set]. Zenodo.
Abstract: The data comprises work under the Project Pilot Strategy GA No. 101022664, funded by the European Union. The work relates to rock samples collected in 2022 in West Macedonia, Greece. For full details, please refer to the following: Tsotyli formation: - WGS84 Lat : 40.3075, WGS84 Long : 21.3354 Pentalofos formation: - WGS84 Lat : 40.1332, WGS84 Long : 21.1997 Eptachori formation: - WGS84 Lat : 40.1332, WGS84 Long : 21.1997 The focus of the work is related to CO2 storage in appropriate saline aquifers in West Macedonia. The bulk samples were shipped to IFP Energies for porosity and permeability laboratory investigation conducted by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance techniques (DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7777217). An additional set of samples were shipped to the Institute of Earth Sciences and the Department of Geosciences of the University of Évora for Geomechanical laboratory investigation for the Eptachori, Pentalofos and Tsotyli formations in West Macedonia. The Geomechanical investigation included Dynamic Elasticity Modulus, Point load and Schmidt Hammer measurements for samples collected from the Eptachori, Pentalofos and Tsotyli formations in West Macedonia. The data from this investigation are presented here.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:ICT - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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