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Title: A cloud-based 3D real-time inspection platform for industry
Authors: Pérez, José
laamr-León, Javier
Castilla, Yusbel
Shahrabadi, Somayeh
Anjos, Vitor
Adão, Telmo
Guevara-López, Miguel
Peres, Emanuel
Magalhães, Luís
Garcia-Gonzalez, Dibet
Editors: Martinho, Ricardo
Rui, Rijo
Manuela, Maria
Keywords: 3D real-time inspection
computer vision
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Elsevier B.V
Citation: Pérez, J., León, J., Castilla, Y., Shahrabadi, S., Anjos, V., Adão, T., López, M.Á.G., Peres, E., Magalhães, L. and Gonzalez, D.G., 2023. A cloud-based 3D real-time inspection platform for industry: A case-study focusing automotive cast iron parts. Procedia Computer Science, 219, pp.339-344.
Abstract: A 3D real-time quality inspection platform that specifically focus on automotive cast iron parts was developed for the industry and is presented in this work. It is supported by a cloud-based platform, which combines recent software and hardware advances to deal with large amounts of information related to the acquisition process and the computational power needed to execute the computer vision platform algorithms (e.g., point cloud filtering, alignment, and comparison). This platform introduces changes in the current workflow through the inspection process’ digitalization. Indeed, it promotes the reduction of human-related inspection errors, as well as ergonomic issues, while simultaneously making available a solution for the automatic gathering and storing of data in a cloud-like environment, for further access and advanced data analytics.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:INF - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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