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Title: Advances in Meteorology and Geophysics 2023
Authors: Pereira, Mário Gonzalez
Oliveira, Rui Jorge
Navarro, Patrícia
Bugalho, Lourdes
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Associação Portuguesa de Meteorologia e Geofísica
Citation: Pereira, M. G., Oliveira, R., Navarro, P., Bugalho, L. (2023). Advances in Meteorology and Geophysics 2023. Associação Portuguesa de Meteorologia e Geofísica.
Abstract: The Portuguese Association of Meteorology and Geophysics (Associação Portuguesa de Meteorologia e Geofísica, APMG), has among its main objectives to cooperate with any organizations that carry out activities in the areas of meteorological and geophysical sciences, with all institutions that fight for the protection of the climate system and for the prevention against natural catastrophes as well as to foster unity, mutual help and fellowship among the associates. To achieve these objectives, every two years the APMG organizes a Symposium of Meteorology and Geophysics and co-organises the Portuguese-Spanish Meteorology Meeting, which is co-organized with the Spanish Meteorological Association (AME), since its inception. In 2023, this important objective of the APMG was achieved with the holding of its 12th Symposium on Meteorology and Geophysics and the 21st Portuguese-Spanish Meteorology Meeting (APMG2023), from the 20th to the 22nd of March 2023, with the support of the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, IPMA). The previous Symposium was held in 2019 as the APMG2021 Symposium was not organized in 2021 due to pandemic restrictions. These last few years have been characterized by limitations on travel and face-to-face meetings. As the popular saying goes, “necessity sharpens ingenuity” and new forms of communication and meetings were found with the advantage of bringing people together more easily, saving money and time, and preserving the environment. However, it was also noticed that online meetings do not replace face-to-face meetings, where personal ties are built and, in our view, help to build a community, in this case, a meteorological and geophysical one. For this reason, APMG decided to organize the Symposium traditionally. On the other hand, after almost four years, the organization could not fail to choose IPMA as the host of the APMG2023 Symposium for several reasons. First, the National Meteorological Service (SNM), created in 1946, gave rise to the National Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics (INMG), then the Meteorology Institute (IM) and finally to the IPMA. Second, APMG's headquarters are at the IPMA. Finally, in third place, IMPA is where all the operational work in Meteorology and Geophysics was carried out, the workplace of most meteorologists and geophysicists in Portugal, which facilitated the participation of these professionals in the Symposium. APMG intends to continue to make every effort to unite the scientific community in these areas. The APMG2023 Symposium offered all participants the possibility to contribute to this book by publishing their new results and most recent findings in the form of a chapter. This contribution should preferably, but not exclusively, be based on your papers presented at the Symposium, with the sole purpose of describing your most recent conclusions and contributions to the advancement of knowledge in meteorology and geophysics. A significant number of participants decided to accept our challenge and submit their manuscripts on a vast and diverse set of topics, so we decided to divide the book into two parts: Part I: Advances in Meteorology and Part II: Advances in Geophysics. Finally, the APMG Governing Board (Conselho Dirigiente) thanks all associates, participants and colleagues in Meteorology, Geophysics and related fields for their significant contributions to the success of the APMG2023 Symposium and this book.
Type: book
Appears in Collections:ICT - Publicações - Livros

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