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Title: Archaeo-Material Study of the Cuneiform Tablet from Tel Beth-Shemesh
Authors: Fossé, Cécile
Yogev, Jonathan
Mirão, José
Schiavon, Nicola
Goren, Yuval
Keywords: Beth-Shemesh;
Late Bronze Age
Cuneiform tablet;
Provenance study
Clay mineralogy
South Semitic Alphabet
Issue Date: 11-May-2024
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Citation: Cécile Fossé, Jonathan Yogev, José Mirão, Nicola Schiavon & Yuval Goren (2024) Archaeo-Material Study of the Cuneiform Tablet from Tel Beth-Shemesh, Tel Aviv, 51:1, 3-17, DOI: 10.1080/03344355.2024.2327796
Abstract: The Fifth Haverford excavation season at Tel Beth-Shemesh (Ain Shams) in 1933 revealed a fractured tablet bearing a cuneiform inscription dating to the Late Bronze Age. Considered to be the earliest alphabetic cuneiform text uncovered in the Canaanite arena outside of Ugarit, this tablet quickly became the focus of many studies. Later readings suggested that this was the earliest example of a South Semitic Alphabetical sequence. Through petrographic material analysis, the present study examines the possible location of production of the tablet and discusses the implications with regard to the object’s function and cultural context.
ISSN: 2040-4786
Type: article
Appears in Collections:HERCULES - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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