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Title: Ultrashort pulsed Femtosecond UV laser for selective cleaning of significant Cretaceous flints
Authors: Schiavon, Nick
Ashiqur Rahman, Md
Leis de la Fuente, Xerman
Carretero, José Miguel
Alonso Abad, Maria Pilar
Alcalde, Rodrigo alonso
Angurel, Luis Alberto
Keywords: Femtosecond UV laser
Issue Date: 5-Feb-2023
Publisher: Elsevier B.V.
Citation: Rahman M.A.; de la Fuente G.F.; Carretero J.M.; Alonso Abad M.P.; Ruiz M.N.; Alonso Alcalde R.; Chapoulie R.; Schiavon N.; Angurel L.A. Ultrashort pulsed Femtosecond UV laser for selective cleaning of significant Cretaceous flints (2023) V. 338, 134028
Abstract: This work reports on studies aimed to evaluate the utilization of ultrashort 238 fs (fs) pulsed UV laser emission at 343 nm for eliminating colored crusts and surface deposits on significant Cretaceous flint surfaces, in an attempt to safeguard its aesthetic appearance and archaeological value. The results indicate that fs UV lasers may be an ideal, non-contact tool for selective surface cleaning of sensitive archaeological artefacts, since they enable contaminant desorption while avoiding photothermal damage.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:HERCULES - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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