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Title: Blood flow through a stenosed artery and its constrained bypass graft design
Authors: Miguel, Antonio F.
Keywords: Bypass graft ·
Blood flow
Issue Date: Mar-2024
Citation: Miguel, A. F. (2024) Blood flow through a stenosed artery and its constrained bypass graft design. Research on Biomedical Engineering 40, 297–305
Abstract: Because arteries transport blood that is rich in nutrients and oxygen to cells, its narrowing or obstruction can affect how well tissues are nourished. The hemodynamic patterns of these vessels have a significant impact on their structural stability and long-term patency. Bypass grafts are used to circumvent stenotic arteries. Here, blood flow through a stenosed coronary bypass with size constraints is studied. The effect of graft-vessel(host) diameter ratio, degree of stenosis, and blood flow ranging from resting to active conditions is examined.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:ICT - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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