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Title: Coupled systems with Ambrosetti-Prodi-type differential equations
Authors: Minhós, Feliz
Carapau, Fernando
Rodrigues, Gracino
Keywords: coupled systems
lower and upper solutions
Nagumo condition
degree theory
Ambrosetti-Prodi problems
Issue Date: 6-Jun-2023
Publisher: American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Citation: Minhós, F., Carapau, F., Rodrigues, G., Coupled systems with Ambrosetti-Prodi-type differential equations, AIMS Mathematics, 8(8), pp. 19049–19066,, 2023
Abstract: In this paper, we consider some boundary value problems composed by coupled systems of second-order differential equations with full nonlinearities and general functional boundary conditions verifying some monotone assumptions. The arguments apply the lower and upper solutions method, and defining an adequate auxiliary, homotopic, and truncated problem, it is possible to apply topological degree theory as the tool to prove the existence of solution. In short, it is proved that for the parameter values such that there are lower and upper solutions, then there is also, at least, a solution and this solution is localized in a strip bounded by lower and upper solutions. As far as we know, it is the first paper where Ambrosetti-Prodi differential equations are considered in couple systems with different parameters.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CIMA - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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