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Authors: Pires, Celísio
Bunge, Lisa
Fialho, Luís
Horta, Pedro
Keywords: Photovoltaic System
Integrated PV
Issue Date: 28-Nov-2023
Publisher: EU PVSEC
Citation: Pires, C., Bunge, L., Fialho, L., Horta, P., Landscape integrated PV: a case study, EUPVSEC 2023, Lisbon
Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive proposal for a photovoltaic (PV) system aimed at supplying electricity to an ecotourism project at Quinta do Carmo, Estremoz, Portugal. The analysis begins by estimating and analysing electricity consumption for three distinct categories: water pumping, buildings and accommodations, and electric vehicle charging. Based on these estimations, a PV system is sized, and energy production along with selfconsumption rates are simulated and calculated. Moreover, a technical-economic analysis of the proposed system and its decarbonization potential is provided. For water pumping, consumption estimates are based on monthly water consumption, area calculations, and elevation differences. The proposed PV system comprises three installations with varying capacities and orientations, strategically placed across different sections of the land. By simulating the consumption and production profiles, the study achieves an 70% self-consumption rate, demonstrating the viability of the PV solution to meet the ecotourism project's energy demands. The proposal also considers innovative solutions like single-axis solar trackers and agrivoltaic integration, showcasing a holistic approach towards sustainability and efficient land use.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:CI-ER - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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