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Title: Produtos farmacêuticos ameaçam bacias hidrográficas europeias
Authors: Novais, Maria Helena
Palma, Patrícia
Morais, Manuela
Penha, Alexandra Marchã
Fialho, Luís
Horta, Pedro
Editors: Oosterbeek, Luís
Gomes, Hugo
Keywords: Antibióticos
Compostos emergentes
Efluentes de ETAR
Grupos terapêuticos
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Instituto Terra e Memória
Citation: Novais M.H., Palma P., Morais M., Penha A., Fialho L. & P. Horta, 2023. Produtos farmacêuticos ameaçam bacias hidrográficas europeias. In: Oosterbeek L. , Gomes, H. (ed.). Ciências da Sustentabilidade em Língua Portuguesa ...por mares nunca dantes navegados... Livro de Atas do XXIII Encontro de Estudos Ambientais dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, pp.306–321. Tomar, 11-15 Outubro 2022.
Abstract: The concern with the presence of pharmaceuticals and their potential impacts on aquatic ecosystems, associated with the lack of systematized information, due to legislative gaps, motivated this literature review. Published studies on pharmaceuticals’ detection and quantification in treated effluents from WWTPs and in watersheds, in Portugal, Spain, France and the United Kingdom were consulted. The transversality of this problem was proved, reflected in the representativeness of the ther- apeutic groups. In WWTP effluents, anti-infectives for systemic use are the most quantified group in Portugal, while in Spain for the musculo- skeletal system stand out, and for the gastrointestinal tract and metabo- lism in the United Kingdom. With regard to watersheds, differences were also detected, with drugs for the musculoskeletal system dominating in Portugal, anti-infectives for systemic use in France and for the nervous system in the United Kingdom.
ISBN: 978-989-35056-1-8
ISSN: 1645-6947
Type: article
Appears in Collections:ICT - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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