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Title: El equilibrio biológico y infraestructura ecológica en el paisaje de la viña
Authors: Freire, Maria
Chegadinho, Nuno
Issue Date: Jun-2023
Citation: Freire, M. & Chegadinho, N. 2023. El equilibrio biológico y infraestructura ecológica en el paisaje de la viña. Congreso Mundial de la viña y el vino, 5-9 de junio 2023, Cádiz-Jerez.
Abstract: Agricultural production depends on the characteristics of the landscape and biodiversity. The articulation between natural and cultural systems determines complex dynamics. The agriculture can lead to strongly simplifying and disrupting of systems. The vineyard(s) landscape(s) that are known today, a little everywhere, respond fundamentally to the technical requirements of consumption and markets, and therefore to productive factors. This requirement, which responds to the productive function of the landscape, must be reconciled with the other functions associated with the landscape - conservation of resources and recreational, where aesthetic specificities and tourist dynamics are involved. To fulfill this integrated vision associated with the notion of landscape, strategies must be developed to promote a landscape pattern that values the biological balance, the fertility base, and the ecological structure and cultural aspects, that can be achieved through landscape design and management. 1. A first strategy is based on the notions of soil suitability and valuation of the main biophysical structures of the landscape to determine the agricultural areas and the definition of plots. 2. A second strategy is centered in the design of a landscape structure that guarantees the biophysical requirements of higher hierarchy (above mentioned), and that enhance those of lower hierarchy, which include the small spaces, structures and elements, namely (nature conservation areas, compensation bands, hedges, wetlands/drainage areas, planted areas surrounding routes/paths, plantations of shrubs between some vineyards lines and between lines biodiverse meadows, archaeological sites and architectural elements of interest) the aim is protect water, soil and vegetation, increase useful organisms against the pests, and increase biodiversity, among others. All fundamental to establish a biological, physical, and cultural continuity. The objective of this article is to reflect on the principles of design associated to the construction of the productive system linked with the landscape of the vineyard, considering strategies to increase the biodiversity, contributing to a greater environmental sustainability, problems linked with climate change, and valuation of the landscape, where the economic, social, environmental, and aesthetic dimensions are integrated. The main characteristics and concepts associated to the practice of integrated production and protection viticulture are explored, including the principles of the landscape pattern that best suits this agricultural practice and the more accurate plant species. The reflection is supported in one case-study in Borba wine region – Portugal.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:PAO - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais
CHAIA - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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