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Title: Current support systems in Portugal
Authors: Candeias, Adelinda
Coelho, Clarisse
Saragoça, Maria-José
Franco, Vitor
Merca, Carla
Keywords: Support system
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Garant
Citation: Candeias, A., Coelho, A., Saragoça, M., Franco, V. & Merca, C. (2023) Current support systems in Potugal. In Lebee, J., Candeias, A., Batiz, E., Orban, R., Rodocanachi, M. (2023) Enabling Inclusive Quality of Life in Young People with Multiple Disabilities and Complex and Intense Support Needs: Concepts & Good Practices. Garant
Abstract: In this chapter, we illustrate the current support systems in Portugal.
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:CHRC - Publicações - Capítulos de Livros

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