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Title: Comparative assessment of two portable Raman spectrometers for the characterisation of historical natural dye lakes
Authors: Bottura-Scardina, Silvia
Vandenabeele, Peter
Miguel, Catarina
Candeias, António
Keywords: brazil wood
dye analysis
Issue Date: 3-Jan-2023
Publisher: Wiley
Citation: S. Bottura-Scardina, P. Vandenabeele, C. Miguel, A. Candeias. 2023. “Comparative assessment of two portable Raman spectrometers for the characterisation of historical natural dye lakes”. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. DOI: 10.1002/jrs.6501
Abstract: This paper explores the use of portable Raman instruments to characterise nat- ural dye lakes in paint mixtures, as an alternative approach to other Raman techniques (e.g. SERS). Raman spectroscopy has indeed been used extensively to study natural dyes as pure substances or as artistic pigments (dye lakes). However, the examination of these compounds with Raman spectroscopy is particularly challenging because of a strong fluorescence, a relatively weak Raman signal and their occurrence at low concentrations in artefacts. Because of these challenges, the typical way of analysing these materials is through either surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) or Fourier-transform (FT) Raman spectroscopy, yet those approaches are not always desirable in art analysis, especially as they often require micro-sampling. Therefore, this study explores the potential of using commercial mobile instruments, which would open the possibilities for direct in situ analysis. Two dispersive instruments, one using a fibre-optic probe and a 1064-nm excitation laser and the other using the subtracted-shifted excitation (SSE) post-processing algorithm, have been tested in their feasibility to characterise dye lakes. Raman spectra were acquired from a set of laboratory reproductions of paint mixtures prepared with a chosen set of common lakes, three red (brazilwood, cochineal and madder) and one yellow (weld), mixed with natural proteinaceous and polysaccharide binders. The feasibility has been evaluated, and it is shown that these lakes produce a detectable Raman signal, in spite of the strong interfer- ence of the painting support (parchment) and that the two instruments provide significantly different information.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:HERCULES - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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