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Title: Problems associated with the contrast between thermal and mechanical properties of materials
Authors: Duque, Maria Rosa
Keywords: Heat
Thermal properties
Mechanical properties
Thermal expansion
Thermal stress
Issue Date: Jan-2023
Publisher: Brazilian Journal of Development
Citation: Duque, M.R. (2023).Problems associated with the contrast between termal and mechanical properties of materials.Brazilian Journal of Development, vol. 9, no 1; P. 3362-3370. DOI: 10.34117/bjdv9n1-232.
Abstract: The present work consists in the study of thermal and mechanical properties of a body consisting of equal volume of two materials with different thermal and mechanical properties, placed in physical contact. The materials are subjected to a common thermal source but, due to their density and specific heat capacity, their temperatures will suffer different variations. This work studies the changes occurring near the contact zone of the two materials. In addition to different volume increases (pressure increases) in the two materials, different values of thermal conductivity must be considered and shear stresses of thermal origin, with different values in the two materials must be studied near the contact zone. The work studies the changes observed near the contact area of the two materials considering different values of heat supplied . Changes of thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity values with temperature are considered but variations with pressure increase are not. The hypothesis of introducing a third element (water) into pre existing cracks dilated with the initial heating is also studied.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:FIS - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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