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Title: Nurse Caring Patient Scale (NCPS): Cross-cultural validation and psychometric testing of the Portuguese version in puerperal context.
Authors: Galhanas, Ana
Frias, Ana
Sim-Sim, Margarida
Keywords: Nursing care
validation study,
Issue Date: 30-Mar-2022
Publisher: Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing
Citation: Galhanas, A., Frias, A., & Sim-Sim, M. (2022). Nurse Caring Patient Scale (NCPS): Cross-cultural validation and psychometric testing of the Portuguese version in puerperal context. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, Março 30(1):40-47 DOI: 10.5152/FNJN.2022.21007
Abstract: AIM: This study aimed to adapt and validate the Nurse Caring Patient Scale (NCPS) in a puerperal context to the European Portuguese. METHOD: This research was a methodological study. The participant sample comprised 100 puerperal women, with an average age of 31.3 years (SD = 5.65), who attended a public hospital in southern Portugal. The instrument, originally consisting of 22 items, underwent translation, back translation, and semantic and colloquial conciliation. Ethical aspects have been respected. RESULTS: Factor analysis with varimax rotation revealed a set of 17 items with factor weights greater than .400. Three factors emerged, which explain 65.537% of the variance, namely “Being-at-the-Moment” (8 items), “Responsibility-for-the-Other” (5 items) and “Care-Diligent” (4 items). Reliability through Cronbach’s alpha coefficient in the total scale was .881, and in the subscales, ranged from .713 to .938. Precision was analyzed using the split-half method, reaching an alpha with Spearman-Brown correction of .900. The convergent validity between the instrument versus the discrete variable Care-Offered showed, in the total scale, a Spearman rho of .851 and in the subscales between .528 and .616. In the discriminating validity, the Mann–Whitney test revealed that Portuguese women, vis-à-vis foreign women significantly value the dimensions “Being-at-the Moment” and “Responsibility-for-the-Other” (p < .05), while in the “Care-Diligent” component, there are no significant differences (p > .05). CONCLUSION: The European Portuguese version of the NCPS, in an obstetric context, has reliability and validity. A further study in a random sample and validation in other Lusophone countries will be appropriate.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CHRC - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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