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Title: Planning and Developing Outdoor-Oriented Practices with Children
Authors: Veiga, Guida
Marmeleira, José
Laranja, Luís
Almeida, Gabriela
Editors: Veiga, Guida
Laranjo, Luís
Marmeleira, José
Almeida, Gabriela
Küçükturan, A.G.
Keywords: children
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Promoting children’s outdoor play depends much on adults’ knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes regarding children’s development and the outdoor. An inappropriate approach to outdoor practices can hold back parents and teachers from going outside, making children feel afraid of exploring and preventing them from taking the best from the outdoors. This chapter aims to support the planning and development of outdoor activities, highlight key aspects that should always be accounted.
ISBN: 978-972-778-180-5
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:DES - Publicações - Capítulos de Livros

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