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Title: Partitioning of potencially toxic elements among two colloidal fractionsand relevance for their mobility in different water types
Authors: Moreno, Filipa
Valente, Teresa
Gomes, Patrícia
Fonseca, Rita
Costa, Maria Rosário
Costa, Ana
Keywords: potencially toxic elements
colloidal fractions
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: E3S Web of Conferences
Citation: MORENO, F., VALENTE, T., GOMES, P., FONSECA, R., COSTA, M.R., COSTA, A. (2019) -Partitioning of potentially toxic elements among two colloidal fractions and relevance for their mobility in different water types. E3S Web of Conferences, 98, 01020, WRI-16, 5 pp.
Abstract: Potencially toxic elements are mobilized in aquatic systems in solution or bounded in colloids of different sizes. The present work studies the distribution of elements between small and larger colloids in different water sources in a world class metalogenic province (Iberian Pyrite Belt)including the acid mine waters.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:GEO - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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