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Title: Quark mass function from a one-gluon-exchange-type interaction in Minkowski space
Authors: Biernat, Elmar P.
Gross, Franz
Peña, M. T.
Stadler, Alfred
Leitão, Sofia
Keywords: Quark mass function
Covariant spectator theory
Gluon exchange
Issue Date: Dec-2018
Publisher: American Physical Society
Citation: Elmar P. Biernat, Franz Gross, M. T. Peña, Alfred Stadler, Sofia Leitão, "Quark mass function from a one-gluon-exchange-type interaction in Minkowski space", Phys. Rev. D 98, 114033 (2018)
Abstract: We present first results for the quark mass function in Minkowski space in both the spacelike and timelike regions calculated from the same quark-antiquark interaction kernel used in the latest meson calculations using the Gross equation. This kernel consists of a Lorentz vector effective one-gluon- exchange-type interaction, a vector constant, and a mixed scalar-pseudoscalar covariant linear confining interaction that does not contribute to the mass function. We analyze the gauge dependence of our results, prove the gauge independence of the constituent quark mass and mass gap equation, and identify the Yennie gauge as the appropriate gauge to be used in CST calculations. We compare our results in the spacelike region to lattice QCD data and find good agreement.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:FIS - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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