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Title: Simulation of Regimes of Charge/Discharge in Batteries of Lead-Acid or of Lithium-Ion
Authors: Pereira, Nuno
Melício, Rui
Mendes, Victor
Pousinho, Hugo
Keywords: Battery model
energy storage
Lead-acid battery
Li-ion battery
Issue Date: 6-Dec-2016
Abstract: The paper is about a dynamic simulation of charge and discharge on two battery technologies: the lead-acid battery model, and the lithium-ion battery model. The simulation aim is to evaluate the performance of the two battery technologies. Additionally, for both batteries, the hysteresis between the charge and discharge voltage is analysed. Simulations reveal that the lead-acid battery has a significant higher hysteresis than the lithium-ion battery.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:FIS - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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