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Title: Spatial and temporal downscaling of solar global radiation and mean air temperature from weather forecast data - an introductory numerical study and validation
Authors: Pereira, Sara
Canhoto, Paulo
Salgado, Rui
Keywords: Solar Energy
Prediction Models
Short-term Forecast
Air Temperature
Issue Date: Dec-2016
Publisher: Workshop on Earth Sciences 2016 - Institute of Earth Sciences
Citation: Sara Pereira, Paulo Canhoto , Rui Salgado, Spatial and temporal downscaling of solar global radiation and mean air temperature from weather forecast data - an introductory numerical study and validation, WES 2016 - Workshop on Earth Sciences, Institute of Earth Sciences, Évora, Dec 8 - 10, 2016
Abstract: This short paper presents a numerical method for spatial and temporal downscaling of solar global radiation and mean air temperature data from global weather forecast models and its validation. The final objective is to develop a prediction algorithm to be integrated in energy management models and forecast of energy harvesting in solar thermal systems of medium/low temperature. Initially, hourly prediction and measurement data of solar global radiation and mean air temperature were obtained, being then numerically downscaled to half-hourly prediction values for the location where measurements were taken. The differences between predictions and measurements were analyzed for more than one year of data of mean air temperature and solar global radiation on clear sky days, resulting in relative daily deviations of around -0.9±3.8% and 0.02±3.92%, respectively.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:ICT - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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