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Title: Ephemeral Masculinities? Tracking Men, Partners and Fathers in the Geography of Family Holidays
Authors: Costa, Rosalina
Editors: Thurnell-Read, Thomas
Casey, Mark
Keywords: Family Holidays
Issue Date: Oct-2014
Publisher: Palgrave MacMillan
Citation: COSTA, Rosalina (2014). «Ephemeral Masculinities? Tracking Men, Partners and Fathers in the Geography of Family Holidays», in Thomas Thurnell-Read & Mark Casey (Eds.), Men, Masculinities, Travel and Tourism. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan: 120-138. DOI: (ISBN: 9781137341457).
Abstract: The discussion presented in the following pages is anchored in data derived from a broader sociological study into contemporary family rituals. The core argument is that in heterosexual couples, the family–centred holidays presents an opportunity for the everyday gendered division of domestic labour and children care work to be negotiated and temporarily restructured. Through its focus on the role men play in family holidays, this chapter makes an important contribution to debates about masculinity, travel and familial relationships within heterosexual couples. While one needs to be attentive to the complex realities of the modern family life and intra-family relations towards travel and tourism, studying the traditional nuclear family remains an exciting and fruitful work to the extent that one cannot neglect the fact that this model is (still) behind many experiences and representations of families on holidays.
ISBN: 9781137341457
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:SOC - Publicações - Capítulos de Livros

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