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Title: Modelling bungy jumping: why is it so dificult?
Authors: Canavarro, Ana Paula
Issue Date: 2007
Citation: Canavarro, A. P. (2007). Modeling bungy jumping: Why is it so difficult?. in D. Pitta-Pantazi, & G. Philippou (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (p. 2100). Larnaca, Chipre: ERME (Edição digital ISBN 978- 9963-671-25-0)
Abstract: Mathematics curriculum orientations of many countries recognize the importance of developing students’ capacity to use mathematical knowledge to better understand reality (Niss, 1996). But mathematical modeling is not a simple activity for students — neither for teachers. To model situations of reality we all need to develop competencies that were not present in mathematics classroom for many years. It involves new conceptions of mathematics classroom as a powerful knowledge that really applies to reality; the capacity of looking for a mathematical model that really explains the situation to model; the capacity of working critically with technology.
ISBN: 978- 9963-671-25-0
Type: article
Appears in Collections:PED - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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