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Browsing by Author Machado, R.M.A.

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2023Coir-Based Growing Media with Municipal Compost and Biochar and Their Impacts on Growth and Some Quality Parameters in Lettuce SeedlingsMartins, T.C.; Machado, R.M.A.; Alves-Pereira, Isabel; Ferreira, R.; Gruda, N.S.
2024Effects of reusing coir-based substrates with municipal compost and biochar on growth and phytochemical accumulation in lettuceMachado, R.M.A.; Alves-Pereira, I.; Alves, I.; Ferreira, R.M.A.
2025Exploring Sustainable Fertilization Strategies Involving Biochar, Compost, and Inorganic Nitrogen: Impact on Nutrient Uptake, Yield, Phytochemical Accumulation, and Antioxidant Responses in Turnips.Machado, R.M.A.; Alves-Pereira, I; Velez, D; Grilo, A; Veríssimo, I; Ferreira, R
25-Sep-2024Influence of co-applying biochar, compost and inorganic nitrogen on growth, nutrient uptake and nitrates and riboflavin content of turnipsMachado, R.M.A.; Alves-Pereira, I.; Velez, D.; Grilo, A.; Ferreira, R.
20-Oct-2022Utilização de compostos orgânicos municipais e biochar como componentes de substratos para produção de plântulasMartins, Tiago Luís Carreira
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5


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