Browsing by Author Dias da Silva, Ícaro
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Jul-2023 | Geochronological data for the Pre-Mesozoic basement located west of the Porto-Tomar Fault: geodynamic implications | Bento dos Santos, Telmo; Chichorro, Martim; Carvalho, Diogo; Cachapuz, Pedro; Solá, Rita; Dantas, E.; Romão, José; Moreira, Noel; Dias da Silva, Ícaro; Clavijo, Emílio; Diez-Montes, Alejandro; Valverde, P.; Santos, R.V.; Linnemann, Ulf |
2023 | Mississippian synorogenic sedimentation in the Variscan belt: Why are NW and SW Iberia flysch basins so different and yet so similar? | Dias da Silva, Ícaro; Pereira, M. Francisco; Gonzalez Clavijo, Emilio |
2023 | The influence of synorogenic extension on the crustal architecture of North Gondwana during the assembly of Pangaea (Ossa–Morena Zone, SW Iberia | Dias da Silva, Ícaro; Pereira, M. Francisco; Gama, Cristina; Hart, Lourenço S.; Barrios Sanchez, Santos; Alves, Kelvin dos Santos; Gomez Barreiro, Juan; Tassinari, Colombo C.G.; Sato, Kei |
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3