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Browsing by Author Capelo, Sofia

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 50
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Águas ácidas e alcalinas geradas na exploração mineiraCapelo, Sofia
2020Águas naturais: ConceitosCapelo, Sofia
2016Application of EIS for dating archaeological materialsDoménech-Carbó, Antonio; Capelo, Sofia; Piquero-Cilla, Joan
2017Characterization of archaeological bronze corrosion products crossing EIS with voltammetry of immobilized particlesCapelo, Sofia
2017Characterizing archaeological bronze corrosion products intersecting electrochemical impedance measurements with voltammetry of immobilized particlesRedondo-Marugán, Jorge; Piquero-Cilla, Joan; Doménech-Carbó, María Teresa; Ramírez-Barat, Blanca; Al Sekhanehd, Wassef; Capelo, Sofia; Doménech-Carbó, Antonio
2017Characterizing archaeological bronze corrosion products intersecting electrochemical impedance measurements with voltammetry of immobilized particlesRedondo-Marugán, Jorge; Piquero-Cilla, Joan; Doménech-Carbó, María Teresa; Ramírez-Barat, Blanca; Al Sekhaneh, Wassef; Capelo, Sofia; Doménech-Carbó, Antonio
2012Controlling pollution effects on metallic cultural heritage using linear sweep voltammetryCapelo, Sofia; Menino Homem, P.; Cavalheiro, J.; Fonseca, I. T. E.
2013Copper corrosion in soils contaminated with high concentrations of chloridesNiculita, E.; Ornelas, I.; Capelo, Sofia; Fonseca, I.T.E.
2014Dating Archaeological Copper/Bronze Artifacts by Using the Voltammetry of MicroparticlesDoménech-Carbó, Antonio; Doménech-Carbó, Maria Teresa; Capelo, Sofia; Pasíes, Trinidad; Martínez-Lázaro, Isabel
2016Dating archaeological copper using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Comparison with voltammetry of microparticles dating.Doménech-Carbó, A.; Capelo, Sofia; Piquero, J.; Doménech-Carbó, M. T.; Barrio, J.; Fuentes, A.; Al Sekhaneh, W.
2014Dating copper-based archaeological materials using the voltammetry of microparticlesDoménech-Carbó, Antonio; Capelo, Sofia; Doménech-Carbó, María Teresa
15-Dec-2023O deserto veio à cidadeCosta, Maria João; Capelo, Sofia; Bortoli, Daniele; Salgueiro, Pedro
Aug-2009Determination of phytoextraction potential of plant speciesfor toxic elements in soils of abandoned sulphide-mining areasFreitas, M. C.; Pacheco, A. M. G.; Anawar, H. M.; Dionísio, I.; Dung, H. M.; Canha, N.; Bettencourt, A.; Henriques, F.; Pinto-Gomes, Carlos; Capelo, Sofia
2018EIS/VIMP screening of archaeological bronze corrosion productsRedondo-Marugán, Jorge; Doménech-Carbó, Antonio; Capelo, Sofia
2018EIS/VIMP screening of archaeological bronze corrosion productsRedondo-Marugán, Jorge; Doménech-Carbó, Antonio; Capelo, Sofia
2013Galvanic Corrosion Behaviour of Ti and Ti6Al4V Coupled to Noble Dental AlloysSolá, Cristina; Amorim, Armanda; Espías, Ángel; Capelo, Sofia; Fernandes, João; Proença, Luís; Sanchez, Luis; Fonseca, Inês
2014Galvanic corrosion of two noble dental alloys in modified artificial salivaCapelo, Sofia; Salvador Fernandes, João; Barão, Maria José; Proença, Luís; Fonseca, I.T.E.
2013Galvanic Corrosion of Two Non Noble Dental AlloysCapelo, Sofia; Proença, L; Fernandes, JCS; Fonseca, ITE
2023GESTÃO DE RESÍDUOS NOS LABORATÓRIOS DA UNIVERSIDADE DE ÉVORA (2007-2021)Capelo, Sofia; Siquenique, Guilhermina; Morgado, João
2014How Important is Social Cohesion to Heritage Landscape Preservation and Interpretation?Themudo Barata, Filipe; De Mascarenhas, José Manuel; Capelo, Sofia
Showing results 1 to 20 of 50


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