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Browsing by Author Costa, Sérgio

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Showing results 3 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Nov-2019Development of a reduced-order model of an industrial billet heating furnaceAlvarez, Frederico; Costa, Sérgio; Santos, Daniel; Canhoto, Paulo; Malico, Isabel; Rato, Luís; Gonçalves, Teresa; Barão, Miguel; Lima, Rui Pedro
2019A grey-box Neural Network Composite Model for an Industrial Heating FurnaceSantos, Daniel; Costa, Sérgio; Rato, Luís; Gonçalves, Teresa; Malico, Isabel; Canhoto, Paulo; Alvarez, Frederico; Barão, Miguel
Showing results 3 to 4 of 4


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