Browsing by Author Batalha, Nuno
Showing results 96 to 115 of 117
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2014 | Reliability of Tethered Swimming Evaluation in Age Group Swimmers | Amaro, Nuno; Marinho, Daniel A.; Batalha, Nuno; Marques, Mário C.; Morouço, Pedro |
2008 | Rotator cuff isokinetic strength of young group aged swimmers in a competitive training program | Sousa, João Paulo; Batalha, Nuno; Raimundo, Armando M.; Belfo, Mónica; Tomas-Carus, Pablo |
Jun-2009 | Rotator cuff isokinetic strength of young group aged swimmers in a competitive training program | Batalha, Nuno; Sousa, João Paulo; Belfo, Mónica; Tomas-Carus, Pablo |
24-Nov-2021 | Short-Term Skin Temperature Responses to Endurance Exercise: A Systematic Review of Methods and Future Challenges in the Use of Infrared Thermography. | Rojas-Valverde, Daniel; Tomás-Carús, Pablo; Timón, Rafael; Batalha, Nuno; Sánchez-Ureña, Braulio; Gutiérrez-Vargas, Randall; Olcina, Guillermo |
Sep-2013 | Shoulder rotator cuff balance, strength and endurance in young swimmers during a competitive season | Batalha, Nuno; Raimundo, Armando; Tomas-Carus, Pablo; Barbosa, Tiago; Silva, António |
14-May-2012 | Shoulder rotator isokinetic strength profile in young swimmers | Batalha, Nuno; Raimundo, Armando; Tomas-Carus, Pablo; Fernandes, Orlando; Marinho, Daniel; Silva, António |
Nov-2017 | Shoulder rotator water training program effects on strength and muscular balance | Dias, Sónia; Bravo, Jorge; Batalha, Nuno |
Nov-2017 | Swimming performance and dry-land upper limbs strength in age group swimmers | Amaro, Nuno; Marinho, Daniel; Marques, Mário; Batalha, Nuno; Morouço, Pedro |
2018 | A systematic review on dry-land strength and conditioning training on swimming performance | Amaro, Nuno; Morouço, Pedro; Marques, Mário; Batalha, Nuno; Neiva, Henrique; Marinho, Daniel |
15-Dec-2018 | Test-retest reliability of isokinetic arm strength measurements in competitive swimmers | Collado-Mateo, Daniel; Dominguez-Muñoz, Francisco; Batalha, Nuno; Parraca, Jose A.; Tomas-Carus, Pablo; Adsuar, Jose C. |
2022 | The acute effects of a swimming session on the shoulder rotators strength and balance of age group swimmers | Batalha, Nuno; Parraca, Jose; Marinho, Daniel; Conceição, Ana Teresa; Louro, Hugo; Silva, António; Costa, Mário |
30-Jul-2021 | The acute effects of a swimming session on the shoulder rotators strength and balance of age group swimmers | Batalha, Nuno; Parraca, José; Marinho, Daniel; Conceição, Ana; Louro, Hugo; Silva, António; Costa, Mário |
Dec-2017 | The changes in classical and nonlinear parameters after a maximal bout to elicit fatigue in competitive swimming | Barbosa, Tiago; Simin, Chen; Morais, Jorge; Costa, Mário; Batalha, Nuno |
2020 | The Effectiveness of a Dry-Land Shoulder Rotators Strength Training Program in Injury Prevention in Competitive Swimmers | Batalha, Nuno; Paixão, Carlos; Silva, António; Costa, Mário; Mullen, John; Barbosa, Tiago |
2017 | The effectiveness of land and water based resistance training on shoulder rotator cuff strength and balance of youth swimmers | Batalha, Nuno; Dias, Sónia; Marinho, Daniel; Parraca, José |
9-Dec-2021 | The Effect of Periodization on Training Program Adherence | Clemente-Suárez, Vivcente; Ramos-Campo, Domingos; Tornero-Aguilera, José; Parraca, José; Batalha, Nuno |
Jun-2013 | The effects of aerobic and combined aerobic and resistance exercise training on physical fitness in young women. | Batalha, Nuno; Marmeleira, José; Dias, João |
2022 | The impact of winning or losing a padel match on heart rate variability | Villafaina, Santos; Fuentes-García, Juan; Fernandes, Orlando; Muñoz, Diego; Batalha, Nuno; Parraca, José |
2016 | Treino de força em Seco para nadadores | Morouço, Pedro; Batalha, Nuno; Amaro, Nuno; Marinho, Daniel; Marques, Mário; Fernandes, Ricardo |
Jun-2010 | Water training effect in shoulder rotators strength in young swimmers | Batalha, Nuno; Tomás-Carús, Pablo; Raimundo, Armando; Fernandes, Orlando; Marinho, Daniel; Silva, António |
Showing results 96 to 115 of 117