Browsing by Subject XRPD
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 28-May-2018 | Mineralogical, petrographic and physical-mechanical study of Roman construction materials from the Maritime Theatre of Hadrian's Villa (Rome, Italy) | Columbu, Stefano; Lisci, Carla; Sitzia, Fabio; Lorenzetti, Giorgio; Pagnotta, Stefano; Ranieri, Simona; Legnaioli, Stefano; Palleschi, Vincenzo; Gallello, Giorgio; Adembri, Benedetta |
16-Dec-2021 | A multi-analytical study of ceramics from the Chalcolithic Period and the Early Bronze Age IB from Tell El-Far’ah North – Palestine | Akrmawi, Mervat Hisham |
27-Sep-2019 | Plasters of the late chalcolithic 3-4 (3800 - 3400 BCE) from the site of Arslantepe. A contribution to the analysis of archittectural techniques and practices | Alkhasoneh, Samah Jazi Faisal |
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3