Browsing by Subject Iberia
Showing results 1 to 20 of 27
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Jul-2006 | AS REGIÕES CENTRAL E SUL DA ZONA DE OSSA-MORENA | Araújo, António Alexandre; Almeida, José Piçarra; Borrego, José; Pedro, Jorge; Oliveira, Tomás |
2020 | Atypical peri-Gondwanan granodiorite–tonalite magmatism from Southern Iberia. Origin of magmas and implications | Castro, A.; Pereira, M.F.; Rodriguez, C.; Fernandez, C.; de la Rosa, J. |
2017 | Can the Iberian Finisterra Terrane extends until Central Europe Variscides? | Moreira, Noel; Dias, Rui; Ribeiro, António; Romão, José; Noronha, Fernando; Pedro, Jorge |
2017 | Detrital provenance of the Upper Triassic siliciclastic rocks from southwest Iberia: a review | Pereira, Manuel Francisco; Gama, Cristina |
2013 | Early Cambrian granitoids of North Gondwana margin in the transition from a convergent setting to intra-continental rifting (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia). | Sanchez-Garcia, T; Pereira, M Francisco; Bellido, F; Chichorro, M; Silva, JB; Valverde-Vaquero, P; Pin, Ch; Sola, AR |
2023 | Essays on Production and Trade in Late Medieval Iberia and the Mediterranean: 1100-1500 | Miranda, Flávio |
2016 | Genetic signature of the northward expansion of the Egyptian mongoose Herpestes ichneumon (Herpestidae) in the Iberian Peninsula | Barros, Tânia; Ferreira, Eduardo; Rocha, Rita; Gaubert, Philippe; Bandeira, Victor; Souto, Luis; Mira, António; Fonseca, Carlos |
Jul-2014 | Geodynamic evolution of Ossa-Morena Zone in a SW Iberian context during the Variscan cycle | Moreira, Noel; Araújo, Alexandre; Pedro, Jorge; Dias, Rui |
14-Dec-2007 | Geodynamic evolution of the SW Europe Variscides | Ribeiro, António; Munhá, José; Dias, Rui; Mateus, António; Pereira, Eurico; Ribeiro, Luísa; Fonseca, Paulo; Araújo, António Alexandre; Oliveira, Tomás; Romão, José; Chaminé, Helder; Coke, Carlos; Pedro, Jorge |
2014 | Geodynamics of Iberia, supercontinent cycles and metallogenic implications | Ribeiro, António; Dias, Rui; Mateus, António; Relvas, Jorge; Pinto, Álvaro; Romão, Manuel |
Feb-2021 | How a mesoscale cyclonic vortex over Sahara leads to a dust outbreak in South-western Iberia | Couto, Flavio; Cardoso, Eduardo; Costa, Maria João; Salgado, Rui; Guerrero Rascado, Juan Luis; Salgueiro, Vanda |
2022 | Hydropeaking impact assessment for Iberian cyprinids and leuciscids: An adaptation of the hydropeaking tool method | Godinho, F.N.; Alexandre, C.; Almeida, P.R.; Martínez-Capel, F.; Cortes, R.M.V; Quintella, B.R.; Sanz-Ronda, J.; Santos, J.M.; Palau, A.; Pinheiro, A.N.; Boavida, I. |
1-Apr-2019 | Ibagreco2018: I Reunión Ibérica sobre Investigaciones Agroecológicas | Herrera, J.M.; Barreiro, Silvia; Melguizo-Ruiz, Nereida; Ribera, Vanesa; Silva, Bruno; Jiménez-Navarro, Gerardo; Rodríguez-Pérez, Javier; Muñoz-Rojas, José; Correia Sanches, Ana Rita |
2013 | Iberia. Introducción a un imperialismo futuro | Sáez Delgado, Antonio; Pessoa, Fernando |
2020 | José Saramago, transiberista | Sáez Delgado, Antonio |
2015 | Manual da Classe Thecostraca. Subclasse Cirripedia. Superordem Thoracica. Ordem Lepadiformes, Ordem Scalpelliformes, Ordem Verruciformes e Ordem Balaniformes. | Cruz, Teresa; Fernandes, Joana N; Van Syoc, Robert J; Newman, William A |
Feb-2009 | Milton after Corte-Real: Religion, Verse, and Reversal of Iberian Epic in Paradise Lost | Alves, Hélio J. S. |
Nov-2005 | The Moura Phylonitic Complex: An Accretionary Complex related with obduction in the Southern Iberia Variscan Suture | Araújo, António Alexandre; Fonseca, Paulo; Munhá, José; Moita, Patrícia; Pedro, Jorge; Ribeiro, António |
18-Nov-2016 | New data on the chronology of the Vale do Forno sedimentary sequence (Lower Tejo River terrace staircase) and its relevance as a fluvial archive of the Middle Pleistocene in western Iberia | Cunha, Pedro; Martins, António; Buylaert, Jan-Pieter; Murray, Andrew; Raposo, Luis; Mozzi, Paolo; Stokes, Martin |
24-Sep-2019 | New insight on south western iberian rock art by non-invasive analytical approaches: the cases of Ardales and Escoural Cave | Hruban, Samantha |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 27