Browsing by Subject Earthquake Source
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2004 | Earthquake Source and Seismic Strain Rate: Portugal in the Context of The Western Part of the Eurasia - Africa Plate Boundary | Borges, JF; Bezzeghoud, M; Fitas, AJS; Buforn, E |
2004 | Focal Mechanism and Rupture Process of 2004 Alhoceima (Morocco, Mw=6.2) Earthquake from Teleseismic and Regional Broad-Band Data. | Buforn, E; Bezzeghoud, M; del Freno, C; Borges, JF; Udias, A; Pro, C |
2004 | The Zemmouri-Boumerdes Earthquake of May 21st, 2003, Mw=6.8: Source Parameters and Rupture Propagation Study from Teleseismic Data. | Bezzeghoud, M; Caldeira, B; Borges, JF; Buforn, E; Maouche, F; Ousadou, A; Khrroubi, A; Harbi, A; Ayadi, A |
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3